Phishing & Smishing Scams
These scams use fake emails, texts (Smishing), or websites to trick you into giving up personal information like passwords or banking details.

Wire Fraud
Fraudsters pose as trusted contacts or businesses to convince you to wire money, but once it's sent, it's almost impossible to get back.

Credit & Debit Card Fraud
This happens when someone steals your card details to make unauthorized purchases or withdrawals, often without you realizing it right away.

Romance Scams
A romance scam happens when someone pretends to be interested in a relationship online, gains your trust, and then asks for money or personal details.

Imposter Scams
An imposter scam happens when someone pretends to be a trusted person—like a government official, tech support, or even a family member—to trick you into sending money or sharing personal information.
Check Fraud
Scammers use fake, altered, or stolen checks to trick you into sending money before the bank realizes the check is bad.
Check back here for future Fraud Fridays on KRQE with Sandia Areas Chief Risk Officer Rachel Lund, for tips on how to stay ahead of scams with expert insights, plus year-round fraud prevention events and seminars.

Enable Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
Adding multi-factor authentication (MFA) to your online banking and other personal accounts enhances security by requiring a second verification step, such as a code sent to your phone. This protection helps prevent unauthorized access, even if your password is stolen.

Add a Codeword to your Accounts
Adding a codeword to your online banking safeguards your finances from scammers gaining access and making changes to your account, even if they call pretending to be you. Keep your codeword safe—avoid writing it down and store it securely to ensure only you can verify your identity.

Secure your Accounts
Using strong passwords to your personal accounts, such as banking or WiFi. Can add an additional layer of protection from hackers. Make sure to store your passwords in a safe place! Avoid writing passwords down or sharing them with family and friends.

DON’T Trust Caller ID
Scammers are known to spoof numbers of legitimate businesses. If you feel something is off, hang up and call the company back directly, no matter what your caller ID says.

DON’T Be Pressured
Many scam tactics rely on triggering your sense of urgency to act fast. Don’t be tempted. Take a moment to think, verify claims, and research the issue before revealing information.

DON’T Click
Links in emails and texts are a prime way scammers try to get your information. Those links could even contain malware, dangerous software that could compromise your phone or computer. When in doubt, visit websites by directly typing the URL into your browser, instead.