Boost your savings with a reliable, insured, fixed rate of return.
Risk-free saving
Open with as little as $500
6-Month - 48-Month terms
- Peace of mind with NCUA insurance to at least $250,000
- Provides higher dividends earnings than a regular savings account
- Funds from other financial institutions welcome
- IRA Share Certificates also available
- Open with as little as $500
- Once per term, you may withdraw up to 50% of your balance with no penalty with BetterAccess!2
Certificate Term | Dividend Rate | APY1 |
6-Month | 3.977% | 4.05% |
12-Month | 4.025% | 4.10% |
24-Month | 3.928% | 4.00% |
36-Month | 3.880% | 3.95% |
48-Month | 3.445% | 3.50% |
A Sandia Area Membership is required. 1. APY=Annual Percentage Yield valid for balances of $500 or more. Rates effective as of 02/19/2025, subject to change without notice and assumes principal and interest remain on deposit for term selected. Dividends are compounded and credited to your account monthly. Fees may reduce earnings. 2. You may withdraw up to 50% of the certificate amount (principal and dividends) one time during the term of the certificate with no penalty on all certificates opened on or after 10/23/2023. Not available on IRA-certificates. Restrictions apply. Refer to our Schedule of Service Charges and Truth in Savings disclosures for more information. |
How Much Will Your Certificate Earn?
Learn how a certificate can grow your savings risk-free! See your potential returns and choose the right certificate with confidence.