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Intentional Spending and Saving

Intentional Spending and Saving

Intentional spending and saving refers to the deliberate and thoughtful approach to managing your finances. It’s about making conscious decisions on where to allocate your money and how to prioritize expenses and savings goals to get the most out of your financial life.

Intentional Spending
Intentional spending involves understanding and prioritizing your needs and wants while making mindful choices about purchases.
Think back over the last five years. What purchases brought you the most happiness? Maybe it was dining out with friends, traveling to new places, pursuing artistic hobbies, or investing in the latest technology. Whatever you value most, the cost will need to fit into your disposable income after saving for essential goals. Intentional spending might even resemble short-term saving for bigger-ticket items, and that’s perfectly fine. When you’re confident and passionate about your spending decisions, it becomes easier to save up for those experiences or items that bring you joy.

Here’s a simple guide to know when you’re ready to make intentional purchases:

  • Your basic financial needs are covered, and you’re not going into debt to pay for daily living expenses.
  • You have an emergency fund of three to six months’ expenses.
  • You are actively paying down debt beyond minimum monthly payments or have no debt aside from a mortgage.
  • You are saving for retirement.

While reaching all these milestones may take time, it doesn’t mean you can’t spend money on what matters to you along the way. Just focus on limiting discretionary spending until you’ve established a solid financial foundation.

Intentional Saving
Intentional saving means setting clear financial goals and actively working toward them.
To be an intentional saver while still enjoying life, approach each savings goal by determining:

  • How much money you need to save.
  • When you will need the money.
  • How you will save or invest to meet that goal.

This strategy prevents saving just for saving’s sake. If your goals for retirement, an emergency fund, a down payment, or other big plans are on track, you can feel confident about loosening the reins on saving and enjoying your money. With Sandia Area’s 3.00% APY Peak PLUS Savings account, available when you’re enrolled in Peak PLUS Checking, you can grow your savings even faster while staying focused on your goal. 

Sandia Area is Here to Help
At Sandia Area, we’re here to support you in balancing your intentional spending and saving. Whether it’s with our rewarding Peak PLUS High-Yield or Cash Back Checking account, savings accounts designed to grow your goals, or tools to help you budget smarter, we’ll set you up for success.

Intentional spending and saving allow for more conscious decision-making and lead to a more secure and fulfilling financial future. By aligning your finances with your values, you’ll find pursuing financial health feels less intimidating and more like getting what you love most out of life.

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