Regulation D
Federal regulation requires us to limit withdrawal transactions on certain accounts.
During any statement cycle, no more than six withdrawals or transfers to another credit union account or to a third party by means of a preauthorized, automatic, or computer transfer or telephonic order or instruction. Exceeding the withdrawal limit will result in a $3 fee for each additional transaction and the account may be subject to closure by the credit union.
Withdrawals from your savings and money market accounts and transfers made between your accounts are unlimited when made:
- In person at a branch
- At an ATM
- By mail
- By messenger
- By transfer to a Sandia Area loan in your name
Up to six withdrawals or transfers among savings and money market accounts are permitted each month in any of the following combinations when payable to a third party or to another account owned by you:
- Online Banking
- Audio response (CALL24)
- Overdraft from checking
- Phone requests
- Automated Clearing House (ACH) or preauthorized
- Fax or email requests
- Automatic transfers
- Checks or similar orders
- A complete description of Regulation D is included in the Membership and Account Agreement
How to Avoid Regulation D Fees
- Link your Line of Credit or Home Equity Line of Credit loan to your checking account for overdraft.
- Keep appropriate balances in your checking account to reduce the number of overdraft transfers from savings.
- Make insurance, utility or recurring payments electronically from your checking account instead of your savings or money market account.
- Set up automatic transfers from your checking account to other designated accounts.
- Remember that checks written against your money market account also apply toward your six-transaction limit.